What will you get in your monthly newsletter?

If you sign up for the newsletter, the following 4 things will land in your inbox on the 13th of every month: 

1) Spotlight on 1 Classically (Un)Trained Artist of the Month 

A short portrait of an artist working today or a historical figure who embodies the classically (un)trained spirit

2) (Un)Training Challenge 

Something to think about or something to try – for artists trying to break out of their classical habits   

3) My Classical (Un)Training 

A short update into the host’s doctoral research into poor opera and/or how she’s applying the subjects of her podcast in her particular case

4) Something to Read or Listen To 

Highlight of a podcast or blogpost about issues related to performers in the 21st century – on the Classically (Un)Trained platform or elsewhere!

IN ADDITION you will go on a 7-day Classical (Un)Training Mini-Journey for the first week of your subscription. What is a 7-day Classical (Un)Training Mini-Journey? Subscribe and find out…