Archive of Former Podcast

I wouldn’t have been able to make Classically (Un)Trained without 3 years of playing around with a more experimental podcast called Artists on the Verge.

This podcast explored several formats. Below is the archive and brief description of each of them.

Artist Portraits

Artists on the Verge started with the idea of doing interviews with artists who had found a unique way of existing as artists (“artist portraits”). I ended up doing 25 of them over the course of some 3 years.

An Opera Singer and a Comedian Walk Into a Bar

Towards the end of my Artists on the Verge era, I created a segment called An Opera Singer and a Comedian Walk Into a Bar, in which I chatted with comedian Nicholas Anthony about the arts framed by a “high/low art divide.” I was hoping to bring a more mainstream audience in – but in the end I think we didn’t quite fit in to the “opera singer” and “comedian” stereotypes enough to find that audience.

Solo Episodes

There were also episodes in which I read academic texts relating to artists and reacted to them or read my own reviews. I called these episodes “snippets” because I felt I was doing some kind of cultural journalism and that what I was offering were “clippings” which one could add to one’s understanding of the big picture. Below is a selection of these.