Are you a classically-trained performer trying to (re)invent yourself for the 21st century?

One of the frustrating things about building an alternative career in the arts is that it can feel very lonely.

After all, there are as many alternative paths as there are performing artists and when you find a path that works, it’s probably because no one else has found it before you – and it will likely close behind you once you take it.

But even though your path is unique, and thus solitary, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from others who are on their own, solitary, journey.

Enter: The Classically (Un)Trained Online Community.

Full disclosure: I (Ema Katrovas, host of Classically (Un)Trained) am building this community as I go along. At first, I’ll be inviting people I know who I think would be a good fit. Eventually, I would like it to be a broader community, connected to the podcast.

Here is the format I envision at this point:

  1. A monthly meeting with other members where we can brainstorm, discuss (or present on) specific topics relating to performing artists, get feedback on our current projects, share stories (hopefully from very different parts of the world, and very different arts scenes!) which will contribute to our overall understanding of the field
  2. An ongoing chat – platform TBD – where you can talk with other members, share experiences, and ask questions on an ongoing basis

If you would be interested in the Classically (Un)Trained online community in any way, don’t hesitate to contact me – depending on where I am in the process of building the community, we can have a one-on-one call to discuss your participation!